Staff e Partners

Rosamaria Salvatori
CNR – Istituto di Scienze Polari
Graduated in Geological Sciences, obtained her PhD on Earth Science at University of Rome “La Sapienza”. She started her scientific activity at CNR during her PhD, in 2001 joined the CNR-IIA as senior researcher and in 2019 joined the CNR-ISP. She was Adjunct Professor in Remote Sensing and GIS at the Dept of Biology(University of Roma Sapienza) since 2011.
She is involved in environmental studies in Polar and Mediterranean areas using remote sensed images. Her research activity is focused on the study of the spectroradiometric properties of different natural surfaces in the 350-2500nm. Since 1997, she was involved in field surveys in Polar Regions (Antarctica and Arctic) to study the radiometric properties of snow and ice, and on gas interactions at snow/air interface.

Roberto Salzano
CNR – Istituto sull’Inquinamento Atmosferico
Researcher at CNR since 2009, he holds a PhD in Geodynamics from the Roma TRE University, Italy.
He joined the Division of Florence of the Institute of Atmospheric Pollution Research in 2014.
His main research interest is the dynamic at the air-ground interface, particularly focused on different type of surfaces (soil, rock, snow, etc.).
He is involved in several research projects in the field of atmospheric pollution in urban and remote regions, and cold regions (Arctic, Antarctica and Alps) as well. Furthermore, the main topic is the relationship between processes occurring at the air-ground interface and the optical behavior of the surface.